Happy birthday to Mayorkun 🎉
Let's take some time to calculate how many days he has lived on earth
Certainly! Let's calculate the number of days Mayorkun has lived on Earth. Mayorkun was born on March 23, 1994, and today is March 24, 2024. To calculate the number of days lived, we can subtract the birthdate from the current date. Here's the calculation:
Current date: March 24, 2024
Birthdate: March 23, 1994
First, we calculate the number of years lived:
2024 - 1994 = 30 years
Since we have already passed Mayorkun's birthday this year, we can consider him to have completed 30 years. Now we'll calculate the number of days within those 30 years:
30 years * 365 days/year = 10,950 days
However, we need to account for leap years. Leap years occur every four years, except for years divisible by 100. However, if a year is divisible by 400, it is still considered a leap year. Let's calculate the number of leap years within Mayorkun's lifetime:
Number of leap years = floor(30 years / 4) - floor(30 years / 100) + floor(30 years / 400)
= floor(7.5) - floor(0.3) + floor(0.075)
= 7 - 0 + 0
= 7 leap years
Now, we add the leap years to the total days lived:
10,950 days + 7 days = 10,957 days
Therefore, Mayorkun has lived approximately 10,957 days on Earth.